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What are the Impact 25 awards?

The Impact 25 awards are an accolade to recognise individuals in the social sector making an impact in Australia. It celebrates the diverse, interesting and innovative work being done to make the world better. 


The Impact 25 Awards helps to give a platform to organisations and highlight their work on a national scale.

Who is eligible?

To be eligible you need to be over 18, an Australian resident and be able to demonstrate your work in the social sector.

Check out the past winners.

What do our winners receive?

Impact 25 winners join an esteemed group of Australian Changemakers. Aside from the personal recognition of their amazing work, the winner’s organisations are pulled into the spotlight. The winners will also be invited to network with other winners and professionals from across the social sector in the Awards ceremony event. 


All winners and nominees will be featured on our website and selected winners will be promoted in our newsletter and at the time of announcement.

Is it just for people who work in charities or not for profits?

No, we encourage you to nominate people from all areas of the sector including social enterprise, impact investing and CSR.

How many people can I nominate?

Each person can nominate up to two eligible people.


Nominations have now closed.

Can I nominate myself?

Of course! We encourage you to celebrate your achievements. 

How long will the nomination take?

Once you’ve decided who to nominate, the form will only take about 10 minutes to fill out.

What will I need to submit a nomination?

You’ll need to submit:

  • 100 words telling us why you think this person deserves to be nominated

  • Contact details of the nominee, so we can reach out to them. 

  • Their organisation’s website URL, or a link to somewhere we can see their work in action

You can also add supporting files, like images or social media pages.

Will everyone nominated be eligible for voting?

Each year we get hundreds of nominations for deserving people across Australia. Unfortunately, with so many nominees, we are unable to release them all for voting.

How do you decide who is released for voting?

Pro Bono Australia reads through every nomination and does research into the nominees. From this we whittle it down to the 150 people who we believe represent the work that has made the biggest impact in the past year.

How do we cast a vote?

The public can vote for their favourite nominee via an online poll which will be released on 18 January 2022.

Can we vote for more than one nominee?

We know it’s hard to choose between all the amazing individuals, so you can vote for up to three nominees.

What are the Judges Choice Awards?

Each year we put together a panel of professionals with their finger on the pulse of the social sector. This panel awards three Judges Choice Awards to three of the deserving winners.

What are the Judges Choice Awards criteria?

The Judges Choice Awards are decided for three categories with the below criteria:

a) Innovator: Someone who has seen innovation as ‘problem solving’. They are driven by solutions.  They think of problems as opportunities to improve processes. Instead of complaining about a practice,  they take the initiative to map out a new way to overcome a key challenge/s. They could also take  emergent technologies to develop new ways to approach emerging or current issues thinking beyond  what is now to what could be. 

b) Influencer: A person who understands the byways and back-channels of influence, the ways and  means of money, political power and carries with them the often invisible elements of leadership – what  it looks like, how to get it, how to use it and how to support it in others.


c) Collaborator: Someone who has the capacity to lead collaboratively and to effectively work across  sectors/groups/organisations. They avoid piecemeal or siloed solutions so they may address a problem  at scale. Their outcomes have been “greater than the sum of the parts” based on the collaborations they  have developed. 

When will we know who has won?

The winners will be revealed on March 16 2022. Keep an eye out for the big announcement by subscribing to our newsletter!

What are the terms and conditions?

View the full terms and conditions here. 

If you have any questions or feedback, reach out and let us know. 

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